clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021

How to clipping path a product in Photoshop CC Tutorial

How to clipping path a product in Photoshop CC Tutorial


What is Clipping Path in Photoshop?

Clipping Path is a technique of Adobe Photoshop with which you can get better-cropped product images for your e-commerce ventures. Clipping Path influences the backgrounds of your images so that it’s easy to see what products are in each photo without any distractions or elements on top, as well as remove unwanted background bits while keeping everything else intact.

As mentioned earlier, Clipping Path is a technique of Photoshop that allows you to cut out your products from two-dimensional images and remove the background with this method. The Pen Tool must be used for Clipping Paths, so if we wanted our product in front and not behind its own image then it would need some editing before taking off those unwanted pieces!


Clipping Path: Why it is important?

Using this method on product photos clears the targeted customer’s idea of what are they going to buy from you. as an outcome, customers get help to make positive decisions regarding their transaction.

Have you ever thought out how eCommerce companies like Alibaba, eBay, Amazon outrank other eCommerce companies in the large competitive market? I bet you certainly did. Product Presentation puts a great impact on this competition.

It is clearly known that any online stores are unable to present their product to their customers in real. So, the only option is to present the product image and details to the customers.

Nowadays millions of entrepreneurs are starting their eCommerce journey online and if you are among them then you need to showcase your product photos as attractive as possible for surviving in the online market.

Therefore, you will need great product photography with professional experienced photographers and post-production team, to produce your expected product photos.

Clipping path is one of the methods for getting a quality product photo. Along with the professional team who are experts with clipping paths, you can stand out your online business with others.


Tutorial: How to Create a Clipping Path in Photoshop CC 2021

To create clipping path your image please follow the instructions mentioned below:

  1. Run Adobe Photoshop CC 2021, Open the image you need to do clipping path.


clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021 Tutorial


2. Create a path layer from the right-side path window. If you don’t have path window, go to Window and select Path then it will visible to your right side of the window.


clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021 Tutorial


3. Select the Pen tool from the left-side toolbar. Or you can press P as a shortcut. Right click on the image & select Clipping Path & set the path size 1.


clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021 Tutorial



4. Zoom your product image to a viewable size so that you can clearly see the edge.


5. Start clipping your product image with pen tool by drawing a selection line for creating a path and do this until you reach the point where you started.



clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021 Tutorial



6. Select the whole path then right click and select Make Selection. Make the Feather Radius 0.5 then click


clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021 Tutorial



7. Now we have to extract the bag from the background. Go to Layer > New > Layer Via Copy while selection.


8. Now make a white background and put it behind the bag by adding a layer and go to Edit > Fill > Background Color > OK. Make sure to select white as a Background color.


9. Now save the file. Go to File > Save As then save the file.


Here is the Final Output:


clipping path a product in Photoshop CC 2021



Video Tutorial: Here is step by step Clipping path in Photoshop CC 2021 with video.




I hope this post and the video described about clipping path in Photoshop well. If you have any curious/question about this please leave a comment below.



Clipping path a product in Photoshop CC Tutorial

Published By

CPP Graphics Media


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